Friday, April 24, 2009


I've been thinking a lo about amnesia... I know. I'm wierd. Sometimes I wonder what goes on inside my head. Which, I shouldn't have to wonder, because I spend all day inside my head. And now I'm rambling... But you'll keep reading anyway...


So back to amnesia... I was watching TV, and some of the characters in some of the shows I watch have amnesia at one time or another. And I was thinking, wouldn't that be a great way to start all over? No friends, no attachments, no history. Everything is fresh. Not, of course, that I need a new start. I'm perfectly happy with the way things are in my life right now. But it would be an amazing growing experience. Don't you think? There can't be any better way to learn who you are.

People struggle their entire lives with their own identiies. But with amnesia, you'd learn it all in a way you couldn't before. And you'd be free to make your own unfettered judgements about your life, your friends, your decisions. You'd be waking up with no preconceived notions about anyone. No opinions. Everything is blank. And you'd get to experience everything all over again. Like chocolate for the first time, and swimming, and snow, and the first kiss, and Disneyland. And you'd really find out who your true friends are.

You'd have a great excuse for everything: "Hey Nicki, how come you didn't show up last night?" or "Why didn't you take care of that thing?" or "Why are you being so spastic?" The answer? "I'm sorry... I have amnesia." But then... I guess I woudn't have anything to blog about.

...Which, is actually a problem I'm having anyway...

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