Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mission Jun 29, 2010

I'm so grateful for all of your emails, and I'm sorry for the single response.. I'm down to about 11 minutes to tell you all about my week! Yikes! Again, the enter key isn't working, and the period adds two, so.... sorry.. Anyway.. We got our travel plans on Monday.. We're leaving for California (my whole district is serving there, with six of us actually in Roseville) on Tuesday, so this will be the last email I send from here.. Our flight is direct, and it leaves at 10:30 ish, so I should be able to call around 9:00 or 9:30.. I don't remember Mom's cell phone, so I'll be calling the home phone number, which is 316-440-8870, i think.. If I'm not right, you'd better send me a letter REALLY fast with the right number so I can call.. :) We had Elder Oaks speak at a special fireside on Friday, and at first, I have to admit, I was kind of disappointed, as he basically taught the first lesson from Preach My Gospel.. Afterwards, we were talking about the devotional in our district, and one of the other elders suggested that if Christ were to teach us personally, what else would he teach us but His gospel, and the Plan of Salvation.. It's what he taught in Jerusalem, to the Nephites, and to Joseph Smith.. I was very grateful for that perspective, and I'm even more grateful for the insights of the other elders and sisters in the district.. They're so great.. I'm really going to miss them.. What else.... I have class on the 3rd Floor, and I live on the 4th floor, so lots of stairs, for sure! The food is alright here, but I feel like all we do is eat. We taught our investigator agian yesterday, and Sis Threlkeld and I commited her to baptism.. It was so great.. I can only imagine how it's going to feel for real! Afterwards, she shared with us Joshua 1:5, and it nearly made me cry. I love this gospel, and I'm so sorry that this letter is short. Please, if anyone wants to write, please use It's like email for you, but I get it snail mail, so I'll have more time to read and respond. I love you all! And my time is up! I miss you, and Mom, I'll talk to you on Tuesday morning!

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