Friday, September 9, 2011

August 8, 2011

Well hello everyone!

We've had kind of a slow week here. I think that it seems to always happen after we have a baptism. There's always a bit of a let down. Not much... just a little one. Last week we taught 30 lessons, and this week we taught 19... which is still 4 lessons over the mission standard... :) Just not as awesome as it could have been.

There's really not that much to report in terms of specifics. We weren't able to meet with our investigators who have baptismal dates for various reasons. That's something we'll change this week. We did manage to have a pretty awesome experience with a new family we just started teaching this week. The mom, Christy, is a less active. She was baptized and extremely active when she was 13. She loved the church. She fell away when she was harshly judged by members of her ward as a result of some mistakes she made when she was 16. Now she's 25 and married and they have a yours, mine, and ours family. 6 kids. It's pretty roudy, but it reminds me of home... the oldest is 16 and the youngest is 2... just like my family, practically... :) Anyway. We found her when we were tracting a couple months ago. We've been trying to get in to teach them, but they've been forgetting our appointments. This last week, both of their dogs died from Parvo - a pretty nasty, very contagious disease. The kids were asking what happens to the dogs after they die, and Christy didn't know how to answer them, so she asked us to come in last night and teach them about the plan of salvation. It was a pretty great experience. The kids don't know much about religion, so when we asked them how Jesus Christ helps them in their lives and they didn't even know who he is, we set up a return appointment right then for next week. Christy really enjoyed us being there, so we'll be going every sunday night for awhile. She's excited that the kids will have some knowledge about God. It's cool. We'll continue to work with them, and help her to find forgiveness so she can come back to church.

That's pretty much it... We have a mini missionary with us this week. Her name is Sister Yang. She's from a Hmong family, and for those of you who don't know, that's a very small minority of asian people from the Mongolia area. She was born in the United States, but her parents weren't. She's a convert of almost two years. It's going to be a fun week, showing her around and teaching her about missionary work. :)

I love you all!

Love, Sister Reid

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