Friday, September 9, 2011

Aug 22, 2011

Hiya everyone. I have one very awesome story to tell you, and then that's pretty much it for this week.

We had a baptism last night. Jack Norene, age 89, got baptized. It was VERY well attended by multiple wards from the stake. Sister Norene has been an active member here in the city for 70 years - back when there was only one ward here. Now there's an entire stake, and everyone knows her and the family. We had to move the whole program into the chapel because the primary room (where the font is) was too small for everyone that came. It was a pretty great experience and I'm so grateful that I got to be part of the event that will eventually bring this family together forever. :)

We also had Zone conference this week. It was the first real conference for President Weston, and it was really good. We focused a lot on how to have more effective companionship study and how we can qualify for the spirit as we seek to find those for whom we are looking. The best part of the whole conference, though, was probably afterwards when he met with some of the missionaries in specific breakout groups. First he met with the trainers and trainees for just a few minutes. He made sure that we're all doing okay and then told us about a new program that the church is rolling out for trainers and trainees. It will be pretty cool, and we'll initiate it next week, with transfers. After that, he met with all the sisters who were there. President Pendleton ran the sisters in the mission like a seperate mission from the elders. Which was fine, but it meant that we were pretty isolated from them. So President Weston told us (the six of us that were there) that he wants to integrate us more fully, and asked for our suggestions on how to do that. We asked for more leadership training and for more opportunities to be involved in our districts and zone meetings. He was very grateful for the suggestions. I'm excited for the changes over the next couple of months that this will bring.

After that he asked to meet with me alone for a few minutes. Then he asked for my input for transfers. He asked about my opinions on some specific companionships and for suggestions on who might serve best with who. It was kind of wierd to be that involved. And I feel very honored that he trusts my judgement enough to be asking. He also asked me if I'd be willing to train again. It's very hard to train this much. I've done it three times now, and it's tough to teach, pretty much alone, for two or three months, while your junior comp gets the hang of things. I've been trying to ask President for an opportunity to work with a sister that's been out awhile so that I could really work. But at the same time, I don't want to miss out on another opportunity to meet the next sister Barfuss - my last companion that I love soooooo much. So that's what I told him. I don't want to miss any opportunities. I'll do whatever I'm asked.

Yesterday was probably the most stressed I've been in a couple of weeks. We had to speak in sacrament meeting up in Colusa, and I felt very impressed to kind of lay the law down about home and visiting teaching. It was a hard talk to prepare and give. I don't like making people feel guilty, but it's what the Lord wanted me to teach, so I did. After that we had to go see Jan and Leonard, who are supposed to be getting baptized in a week. The called a few days ago and said that they were maybe not so interested. So we went over to their house and spent about an hour trying to pull that back together. It was kind of tense, but we reminded them that they know that this is true, no matter what other people say, or whatever goes on in their lives. So they are back on for this next weekend. Then we had to book it back to Yuba City for jack's baptism. It was a stressful day, full of wonderfully hard miracles. But it ended well and I'm glad it's over.

That's pretty much it for this week. Transfers are next week, so by the time I write next week, I'll know what's happening to me and Sister Hurtado, and pretty much all the other sisters in the mission... hahaha. This sunday, we have three baptisms scheduled. So it'll be another busy week. I'm looking forward to it though, and to all the wonderful things I'll be able to tell you next week.

love, Sister reid

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