Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dec. 6, 2010

So hello everyone! I hope your week went well for all of you. Ours was great. We started the New Member Lessons with San and Henry. There's a girl named Melissa Larson from one of the other wards in our stake who just got home from her mission to Thailand last week. She came with us to the lesson and has been a wonderful help in making sure that San really understands the gospel. It will be really great for San to have the lessons in Thai, so that we can be sure that she really does understand the principles and such. We're excited. Plus, Melissa is great. I love her already. :) And it's really fun to sit and listen to them converse in Thai. I'm starting to pick up a few words, which is fun. :)

Many of the appointments with potential investigators that we had scheduled for this last week didn't actually happen. But we've been fasting as a zone and we're seeing the results. We were able to meet with a woman named Jamie, her daughter named Courteney, and Courtney's friend Sasha. All three are really interested in the things we had to teach about having a prophet, the priesthood, and the Book of Mormon. So we picked them up as new investigators and we're excited to continue teaching them. Although we probably won't get to meet with them, or many of our other potentials and investigators, much until after Christmas. Just about everyone is difficult to pin down to an appointment right now because of the holidays. Sis. Silva said that this is normal, and that the same thing happened to her last year. It's cool though. It means that we'll have more time to find new investigators, so that in January, we'll have a nice big teaching pool to work with. :)

The lesson with Jamie was pretty much the only really exciting thing that happened this week missionary wise. Sis Silva, Sis. Christensen, and I are all getting along great. We're making the best of the holidays and having a blast. :) I'm grateful to them and to you and to all of our families for making this Christmas a good one. We have "Santa Run" tomorrow. Basically, President and Sister Pendleton dress up like Mr. and Mrs. Claus and hand out the packages you sent us for christmas. Then we have a spiritual devotional about the birth of the Savior, and then we get to watch a G Rated movie. I've heard that it's Toy Story 3 this year.... They watched Up last year. Then, after lunch, it's back to work. We'll take our packages home and place them under our 2 foot tree to wait until Christmas. :) I'm excited. It will be tons of fun.

I guess that's pretty much it for me for this week. I hope you are all enjoying this holiday season and that you're trying your best not to miss me too much ( **wink, wink**). I love you all and I'm so grateful for all your support and prayers, just like always. You make it possible for me to be here.

Love, Sister Reid

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