Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Sorry it's a little late, but I can only email on Mondays, after all. :) I hope that everyone had a wonderful day and that everyone is back home safe and sound.

Our week was kind of slow because of the holiday. We haven't really been able to meet with most of our investigators because they were all busy. We did a lot of tracting and street contacting though, and it yeilded good results. We have 7 new potential investigators that we're meeting with this week. I'm a big fan of running numbers, and I figured out that, statistically, one of these 7 will get baptized! I promise I'm not focusing on numbers, I just like to know how we're doing as a mission, and I recognize that every single number represents a person who needs to have the gospel in their lives. I LOVE IT!!!

But I'm sure you're all wondering what I did for thanksgiving, so I'll tell you. :)

We started the morning by taking pictures in our area... pictures we haven't had time to take until now. So we went to a really pretty park in our area--with tons of fall leaves--and took pictures for several hours. It was a lot of fun. Then we went to our first of several Thanksgiving dinners. Jean, our investigator from Trinadad had us over first, and we got to taste everything she made. The turkey was really good - it was smoked. Then we were off to our next "appointment" at Gemma's (pronounced Hemma) who is from Mexico. They also had their own spin on thanksgiving dinner, including an amazing cranberry salsa that was so good but so spicy it numbed my tongue. Then we went to Hieu's house for our final dinner of the day. Everything was really good all day long. but my favorite may be that we listened to Chinese Opera at Hieu's during dinner. lol. I found it especially interesting that we had three dinners, and none of the hostesses were American. :)

On Saturday night, our dinner appointment was also Thanksgiving Dinner because the Gibson family had postponed their dinner from Thursday. Their oldest son gave his missionary farewell talk yesterday, so they had thanksgiving the night before so all the family from out of town would be there. It was more traditional and more like what I'm used to for thanksgiving dinner. I really loved all four dinners though.

That's pretty much it for me. Like I said, it was a slow week, but we have a lot of stuff lined up for this week. I'm looking forward to being able to tell you all about it.

I love you all tons, and I'm so grateful for all of your support. Especially as the holidays roll around this year. I know that I can count on all of your thoughts and prayers to help me in my work and to keep me focused. Although... I definately won't say no to any Christmas packages you can send my way... lol... :)

Love, Sister Reid

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