Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 4, 2011

Happy Independance day everyone!!! I hope that you're all having a wonderful three day weekend. Not that I even remember what those are like anymore, lol. But it is a P-day today, so we don't have to figure out how to be productive during a holiday. Hahaha. In fact, we're supposed to be home tonight by 6:00 to avoid all the crazy people. :)

Not a whole lot to talk about this week, sadly. Things are getting better with me and my trials. Not that the trials are getting any easier, just that I'm getting strong enough to deal with them I guess. My companion is starting to pick up a little more english, and is participating more in teaching situations, which is nice. I would have liked to have her for a companion 6 months from now instead of as a greenie. Maybe then we'd really be able to get to know one another and to teach in unity and with strength and power. But as it is, we work well together, if most of the time in silence. :)

As for exciting things that happened... not a whole lot to tell you honestly. We've had kind of a slow week. We taught a lot of lessons, though, and met a few new investigators. We did have a disappointing setback with all of our investigators when none of them came to church yesterday. I'm struggling with how to help them understand that in order to have answers to your prayers, you have to do your part, and part of that is showing your faith by coming to church. It seems so simple to me. It's the number one reason that our investigators can't get baptized -- they don't come to church. Boo. But we'll see them all again this week, and we'll get them to understand, eventually. :)

I did have a really cool experience early this week which has helped to strengthen my testimony in spiritual promptings. Early in my mission, on day, I felt a very strong prompting to go down a specific street to tract. I was a greenie, and didn't understand what I felt, since I had never felt it before. It was a weird thing. So I ignored it. And I felt so guilty about it. I made the promise that when that happened again, I would not ignore that feeling. And I've waited almost a whole year for it to happen again. I think the Lord was testing me in that time. On Tuesday, we had an appointment not answer the door, so we were going to go contact some other former investigators. As we were driving away, i got the very same feeling about tracting the street we had just been on. Which I did NOT want to do. It's getting to be over 100 degrees here every day, so I tract as little as possible. But I had made that promise that if I ever felt it again, I would not deny it. So we tracted. And it was crazy because most of the people were home on that street. Which is weird for a tuesday afternoon. And two of the people we met are interested in hearing more. We have appointments set up with both of them (one of which is a whole family!) for later this week.

Anyways, I know that the spirit does guide missionary work. Hopefully, these people that we've met this week will be interested enough to want to change their lives.

That's pretty much all that I've got for this week. Please keep missionary opportunities in your prayers, and do your very best to listen to those promptings when they come, because if you ignore them, it may be awhile before the Lord sends you another.

I love all of you!

Love, Sister Reid

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