Wednesday, October 24, 2007

10 Things I'd like to do with my life

I wasn't kidding when I said I was going to make an effort to post more regularly. And this week just happens to be the slowest work week so far in my new career as a Purchasing Agent. The problem with writing frequent blogs, though, is that I tend to run out of things to blog about. If this was a topic blog, I'd have no trouble going on for hundreds of entries about my obsessions: Alias, Star Trek, Harry Potter, and Halo (my new favorite). But this blog is more about my life... which is kinda boring right now...

So I solved today's problem by going online to find some of those "if you're stuck with writer's block" questions and the one I found that I like the best is:
Write a list of 10 things you want to do in your life.

So here goes (in no particular order):

1. I've always wanted to go skydiving. There's something about the total exhileration of falling through the air. I went parasailing once... it was an amazing experience. I can only imagine what an adrenaline rush skydiving would be. (I'd group bungee jumping in with this too, I guess)

2. Visit Europe. I've wanted to go to the UK since I was very young. I once told my dad that I'd love to meet all the "cheery chaps," and it's still true. They have awesome accents, wonderful culture, and amazing history. And while the food in the UK doesn't leave much to be desired, the food in Italy, France, and Spain would more than make up for it.

3. Find the love of my life. I know it sounds corny... but it's true. I can't wait to find the man who will support me in all my crazy wierdness, and love me anyway. He'll like to snuggle while we watch TV, and he'll be open to learning about what I like. He'll love me even when we're fighting. And it goes without saying... he won't be jealous of the time I spend with Marshall the hamster.

4. Be a mom. I want kids more than almost anything. I want to love them, and teach them, and help them become better than me. I'm scared spitless, too, of course. It's a huge responsibility. With every passing year, though, I feel more and more ready to take it on...

5. Make $47 million. I know... you're saying, "Why 47?" And the answer is... because 47 is prime number. Besides, what can you do with 50 million that you can't also do with 47 million? Of course, $1 million would be just fine with me too.

6. Get a Ph.D in English. I've already written about this one... I want to teach English at the University level, and to do that, you need a Ph.D.. My ultimate goal is to return to BYUH and teach there. It would be so great. Doing what I love would be awesome, but doing it on the beach would be better!

7. Buy a house. I'm getting old enough to know that renting isn't all it's cracked up to be. Plus, I feel like owning a home is the ticket to the grown-up's table. Once you're a homeowner, you're part of the real world, it seems. And I have a landlord who never gets anything done. Our furnace was broken all last winter, and now that it's getting cold agian, we'd like it fixed... but as of yet... there is no heat in site. And, oh yeah, the chance to pick my own roommates. No more evil hamster haters.

8. Figure out how to make money online. I'm deep in the middle of trying to figure out HTML code so can write my own website and get into affiliate marketing. Once that's accomplished, I'll turn some of my ideas into money making machines! See 5 for more information...

9. Run a marathon. I have this secret desire to be physically healthy. Shhh. Don't tell anyone. ...Seriously though... Running is in my genes. My brother runs, my mother used to run. All my uncles set records in high school and college. I should be good at it too. It's just a matter of getting focused and learning to love it. I guess.

10. Get a boy to really like me. This one is closely linked with 3. And I can't think of anything better for building my self confidence than to have a boy hit on me. So far, that's only happened a few times in my life. You'd think that there would be boys out there super stoked to find a girl who likes science fiction and playing video games, but I haven't met any yet... I'm working on improving those statistics, though, and someday (hopefully soon) I'll have them eating out of my hand!

So there you go... A lot more of me than you ever really wanted to know, I'm sure. But you kept reading, so you can't blame me. And while you're here, don't forget to subscribe! And now I'm off to sit and stare at my computer, blankly, for another 45 minutes before I can leave and go to the gym to swim 1000 meters.

...I love indoor pools in the winter time...

P.S. I used to live across the street from the tree on the cover of the CD I'm listening to right now. And I was there the day Jack Johnson and crew were taking those pictures...

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